Adpinion - Let you users choose the ads.
So I was search the web this afternoon like I always do and ran accross an new ad-based service. It is called "Adpinion". This service works just like any other ad-based service where you will put some code on your site and a banner ad will be shown. When a user clicks on it you will get some money but Adpinion put a little twist to this. This service alls for the users to choose if they like the ad or not.
So here is how it work:
- You have an ad.
- They help you place your ad into their system, where related people and ads group together.
- Feedback from users helps to move the ad into more relevant groups.
- When a user goes to a website within our network, They'll display an ad that suits their interests.
If a user hasn't given feedback yet, They choose based on the likes of other readers of that site.
I am going to test drive this service on this site when I get invited to the beta and see how it is going. If you see this ad help me out by voting and I will see if this whole thing even works.
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